Jochen Maria Weber | Stupid, Messy Networks

Jochen Maria Weber, Master Thesis 2015

Stupid, Messy Networks argues that an understanding of actor-network interactions and their manifestations can be a means to shape them, in order to pursue more sustainable political, economical and civic interests. As we strive for ubiquitous interconnection of almost anything, what we should pay attention to is not what we connect but rather how. It is less about the nodes at the ends, than the links inbetween, the architectures they form and how those diffuse into society. Within this scope the three case studies ‚Where Is Paris‘, ‚Foxes Like Beacons‘ and ‚Cybernetic Forest‘ investigate and speculate about alternative digital network architectures.

Supervised by Prof. Carola Zwick and Prof. Knut Ebeling


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