Nofar Zeidenshnir | RAM – a data materialization project

Nofar Zeidenshnir, Bachelorthesis 2024

RAM, a cutting-edge project and product explores the fusion of data and design. Through innovative research, RAM delves into the dynamic relationship between humans and machines, using a sandbox interface to facilitate a wide range of interactions. This unique product opens doors to diverse realms of content that shape our daily lives. From architecture to entertainment and education, RAM offers a playground for exploration, where users can engage with a wide array of interactive experiences. Using RAM, the user can harness the sand’s qualities and thus can discover, relax, express, internalize and investigate how together it can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, bridging the gap between technology and human interaction in a fun creative way.

Supervised by Prof. Carola Zwick and Dr. Lucy Norris


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