Ony Yan, Masterthesis 2024
"Algae are an emerging super resource e.g. for bioplastic. But algae farming at sea currently can't meet the growing global demand and uses disposable plastic lines ...
Dominic Eger Domingos, Master Thesis 2021
Through various anthropological field studies, this work deconstructs already present cutting processes and establishes 10 modalities to frame the specific design challenges for digital ...
Antonia Nandori, Master Thesis 2021
In the Ultrafast project, a cap was created that serves to diagnose the cause of a stroke on an ambulance car. In a brain insult, ...
Hans Illiger, Master Thesis 2017
Communication is a fundamental part of human life. It accompanies almost every interpersonal interaction. However, the personal communication can be disrupted by a stroke or ...
Madeleine Cordier, Master Thesis 2015
Orientation is an important requirement to be and feel save while doing outdoor activities. Interactive maps offer a lot of functions, but are mostly screen-based. ...