Elisa Machmer | reACT

Studioproject “Paper:Drive” exhibtion @ modulor

Natalie Marie Preuß | NOX – Spatial Notes

Alexia von Salomon | Real Life Tutorial

Vivian Tamm | 90°

Sarah Leicher | Beyond Visual Interaction

Ony Yan | (It’s a) Cultivating Something

Johannes Schmidtner | Urban Sail

Moritz Walter | Hotspot

deLIGTHful Interactions – Studio Projekt

Nofar Zeidenshnir | RAM – a data materialization project

Charlotte von Ravenstein | Ceramic Interfaces

CZ Article about “Tracing Tainted Environments” Workshop

Expanding: THE BODY

the future is _

»Expanding:THE BODY« exhibition at Weizenbaum Institute

Jiawen Yao | Info-Motion

Ran Zhang | TactKit

elastic time


»Let’s Get: Physical« exhibtion at CityLAB Berlin

The Tone of Things – Studio Projekt

»Tracing tainted environments« Design research workshop

Let’s get physical – Studio Project

Johannes Schmidt | Broadcasting 4.0

Jasper Neukirch | Celsius

Felix Schwamkrug | Homely Office

Heliobolici – Studio Project

0|1 Unraveling Bits – Studio Project

»Tessellation everywhere« Design Research by Felix Rasehorn


Mattis Obermann | Vibrotactile Interfaces

Dominic Eger Domingos | Mastering Digital Cutting

»Joining Perspectives on Haptics« Design Research Workshop

Robin Hoske | Shape of Sharing

Leon Laskowski | Quote Note

Hanyu Gu | P(Partner)-learning

Antonia Nandori | Ultrafast

Una Preuß | Pocket Office

Maximilian Blazek | Speech-guided presentations

Anna Schaeffner | Situated Behaviors

Katharina Bellinger | Mobi SchoolKit

Digital:Sovereignty exhibition @ Weizenbaum Institute

Digital:Sovereignty – Studio Project

MOA Design Research Studio

ULTRATOOL – Studio Project

messen / zählen /wiegen – Studio Project

Johannes Mueller | Resilient Resident

Hannah Neubauer | Neo-analogue interaction with water in the kitchen

collaborative studio project »UltraTool« – CZ article



Hyper Haptics – Studio Project

Solo at Greenhouse – Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair 2021

Smart Organic Light Objects




Coding IXD

highTech x highTouch

Joost van Kessel | Reflexagon

Zoë Schnegg | Klub Lokal

Niklas Schumacher | Versus – A transparent judging system for Breaking at the Paris 2024 Olympics

Xinyue Yang | Word to World


Alissa Wolter | Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Dominic Eger Domingos | Grasping tools: the example of shears


SHIFTY – wandelbare Strukturen

Artificial Skins and Bones

Dynamic Space

Interaction Design

Matters of Activity

»Entity:City« exhibition at CityLAB Berlin

Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee

Alissa Wolter I moodable

Anna Schäffner I Interlocking Analog and Digital Tools

Enzo Lux I Exploring Physical Colour

Yi-Ting Chen | Hacko

Simon von Schmude | SwarmLab

Prak Piakot | Revier

Peter Sörries | Tool of the imagination

Felix Rasehorn | Hybrid Interactions in Neurosurgery

Anne Lange l hubert – Interactive table

Lisa Mersmann I Ullar

Janosch Reiter I BOLD

Jacob Sasse I Mimo

Georg Klöck I Hybrid Interface

Designfarm Berlin

CityLAB Berlin

Robin Hoske | Ultra

Simon von Schmude | Vokabular und Grammatik interaktiver Schwärme

Mohammad Moradi | AVA – Enriching the conversational human-computer interaction

Johannes Müller I HeimFarm

Ningyuan Xu | NEOS – Tangible Apps Kit

Carmina Blank | Gestaltwandel

Nitzan Ron | Of Things

Peter Sörries | Digital artisan

Julia Schmidt | Toys for therapy 2.0

Mattis Obermann I rEVOLVEr

German Design Graduates


Judith Glaser | Facet

Jonas Schneider & Valentin Lindau | Sweep 2.0

Hans Illiger | flow

David Kaltenbach und Lucas Rex | physical banking

Mirjam Weber | Die Sprache der Dinge

Leon Laskowski | 3D gedruckte Schreibtischleuchte und 3D gedruckte Drehmomentscharniere

Katharina Stärck | shift

Hannah Neubauer | Neoanalog Toolkit

Luise-Caroline Gall | IVI – smart portfolio tool

Fanny Gaßmann | Heimatmuseum 2.0 – Regionale Geschichten

David Kaltenbach | Sofort Support

Dawei Yang | Die Ästhetik der additiven Fertigungsformen

Benedict Hübener | Connecting Forestry

Madeleine Cordier | W Y L D

Jonas Schneider, Valentin Lindau | Sweep + Loop

Julia Rotenberger | Reisegepäck

Nina Rossow | Begreifen Erfassen Handhaben

Kristin Dolz | Erosive Modeling

Essi Glomb, Rasa Weber | SLEEP WITH US

Philipp Gangelberger | PEW-Gaming im öffentlichen Raum

Claudia Pineda de Castro, Maximilian Behrens | Quazoo

Lucas Rex, Maximilian Mahal | dots.

Verena Bachl, Karsten Schuhl | Synphon

Julian Berg | Stadtküche – entdecken, grillen, genießen

Jochen Maria Weber | Stupid, Messy Networks

Chen Chi-Chun | Adaptiv – Illuminated partition module

Johannes Lohbiler | dadamachines

Marcel Pasternak | Bionic Toys

Virtual Physicality l Physical Virtuality

Reactive Light